TCBA Event and Webinar
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Pre-Celebrateing Year of the Dog at Toronto City Hall
February 14, 2019
To welcome the arrival of the Year of Dog, Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA) once again organized the TCBA Chinese New Year Celebration at Members Lounge, Toronto City Hall on February 14. Mayor John Tory, City Councillors, representatives from public services – Toronto Police Service, Toronto Fire Service, EMS, Consul General of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto, along with the Consul (Commercial), Deputy Director of the Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office (Toronto), community and business leaders, media and friends were in attendance to celebrate this festivity.
As a tradition, there were the dotting of the lion’s eyes ceremony and the traditional lion dance performance. Throughout the celebration, the Toronto Chinese Orchestra Association playing the classical Chinese music entertained guests. The traditional Chinese food were served after the ceremony and TCBA Board of Directors took the opportunity to wish each and every guest a prosperous and healthy Year of Dog and handed out the lucky red pockets to everyone at the event.
In the opening ceremony, Evan Chau, President of the TCBA, mentioned that in the the year ahead of us promises to bring many challenges, but the dawn of a new year also brings with it opportunities to work harder and smarter and to think outside the square. As the President, he will continue to ensure that TCBA will work closely with all levels of government to participate and contribute to our community. Established in 1972, the Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA) is the first Chinese business association in the Greater Toronto Area. As a non-profit organization, TCBA is dedicated to create a healthy and sustainable environment for Chinese businesses in Toronto.
Annual Celebrating Year of the Rooster at Toronto City Hall
January 27, 2017
To welcome the arrival of the Year of Rooster, Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA) once again organized the Chinese New Year Celebration at Toronto City Hall. Government officials, Senator Victor Oh, The Honourable Dr. Vivienne Poy (former Senator),Dr. Neville Poy, Citizenship Judge Albert Wong, Adam Vaughan MP, Han Dong MPP, City Councillors Chin Lee, Michael Layton, Kristyn Wong-Tam, Deputy Fire Chief Jim Jessop of Toronto Fire Service, Superintendent Neil Corrigan, Unit Commander of 14 Division of the Toronto Police Services, Commander Louis Chan of Toronto Paramedic Service, Consul (Commercial) E Defeng of the Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in Toronto, Nick Choi, Deputy Director of Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office in Toronto, business leaders, Presidents of the Chinese Business Associations, associates, media and friends were in attendance to celebrate this festivity. As a tradition, TCBA Board of Directors handed out the lucky red pocket to the guests.
Evan Chau, TCBA President, gratefully acknowledged the participation of all the guests. While guests enjoyed the traditional lion dance performance, TCBA Board of Directors also wished everyone a prosperous and healthy Year of the Rooster. Evan Chau further stated that in the coming year, TCBA will continue to act as a liaison between the business community and all three levels of Government, foster the network between Chinese business community, the mainstream and other ethnic business communities.
September 16, 2016
多倫多華商會(Toronto Chinese Business Association)於九月十六月日下午在Westin Prince Toronto Hotel,舉行了第四十四屆會員週年大會,晚上亦舉行了多倫多華商會創會四十四週年暨2016年至2108年新任董事局成員就職典禮。董事局成員及會員等到臨出席當晚的就職典儀式。
2016至2018年董事局成員包括現任會長周大軍, 第一副會長黃家康, 第二副會長劉雲嬌, 第三副會長朱慧金, 上任會長梁健文,其它董事包括:許家新,張德龍, 劉麥麗華, 冼陳瑞贀, 陶佳才等。
晚上則舉行2016年週年晚宴慶祝該會成立四十四 週年。
當晚出席嘉賓政界有: Honourable John McCallum, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship, Senator Victor Oh, Senate of Canada, Mr. Han Dong, MPP, Trinity-Spadina, Ms. Soo Wong, MPP, Scarborough-Agincourt,中華人民共和國駐多倫多總領事館領事薛冰、于建偉参赞, 領事(商務)李燕華, 香港駐多倫多經濟貿易辦事處處 長陳納思, Commander Joe Moyer of Toronto Paramedic Services. 大會非常感謝廖立暉第三區議員(烈治文山市政府) 為當晚司儀。
Pre-Celebrateing Year of the Ram at Toronto City Hall
February 18, 2015
Toronto Chinese Business Association hosts its annual celebration at Members Lounge, Toronto City Hall, on Wednesday, February 18, 2015
To make the preparation to welcoming the arrival of the Year of Ram, Toronto Chinese Business Association (TCBA) once again organized the Chinese New Year Celebration at Toronto City Hall. Over 80 guests attended this festive event.
John Leung, TCBA President, gratefully acknowledged the support and participation of all the guests attending, amidst their busy schedules. While all the guests enjoy the traditional lion dance, TCBA Board of Directors also wished everyone a prosperous and healthy Year of Ram. John stated that in the coming year, TCBA will continue to act as a liaison between the business community and all three levels of Government, foster the network between Chinese business community, the mainstream and other ethnic business communities. As a tradition, TCBA Board of Directors handed out the lucky red pockets to the guests.
Amongst the guests were: the Toronto Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong, Councillors, Ms. Gloria Lo, Director and representatives of Hong Kong Economic & Trade Office, Chief Jim Sales of Toronto Fire Services, Chief Raftis of Toronto Paramedic Services, Superintendent David McCormack of 52 Division Toronto Police Services, Superintendent Peter Yuen of 55 Division Toronto Police Services, Inspector Glenn Holt of 52 Division, PC Qian Yang of Toronto Police Services, Divisional Policing Support Unit, community leaders, Presidents and Directors of associations, representatives from corporations, associates, friends and media.